Monday, March 31, 2008

Where The Leaves Fall

Across the room, on the other side of the glass
There's a picture that parts in the middle
The soldier extending his hand to the ghost
As a familiar nothingness bleeds onto his fingertips
I pick up an unfinished book about the alphabet
Lost somewhere between the letter A and LIFE
I wrote this book when the hands on my watch departed
The timeless ticking building wrinkles under my eyes

And somewhere the leaves are falling
Somewhere, but not here...
And somewhere the leaves are falling
Somewhere, but not here...

There's a little boy that crosses my window
With a little girl; they age hand in hand
In ten years they kiss against the sunlit sky
He bears a full beard, her eyes composed of promise
Ten years more they both share gold
A house, two children; mirrors of themselves
It's been fifty years since that day, I remember
Fifty years since I've forgotten my name

And somewhere the leaves are falling
Somewhere, but not here...
And somewhere the leaves are falling
Somewhere, but not here...

And somewhere the rain is falling
Somewhere, but not here...
And somewhere the doves are calling
Somewhere, but not here...

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